
Gadgets and gizmos…aren’t they great? But don’t you wonder if you could make a cool new invention? There are things that everyone want, that haven’t been created yet. You may think that in the future someone will decide to make something innovative and that will, but why not have it now? It starts with you, why don’t you build your own invention? Technology will help you, you can use programs. I code and I make new things on javascript. This is something to think about, something that I think about.

Pablo Picasso

“Everything you can imagine is real”- Pablo Picasso.
Picasso was an extraordinary artist, and I find this interesting. His paintings and sculptures convey abstract images. Does this mean he saw or envisioned things just like his art looked like? I don’t know, there are many debates about him. Comment what you think.


Have you ever watched TED talks on the site or app? I have seen them, they have talks on everything. If you are interested in new inventions, origami, philosophy or any other topic, you
must see these. Any is eligible to talk, no matter what age. They even have TED conventions here in Austin. You can check out this link to TED,